Shonen-Ai Kudasai!
Gay Guys and No Plot... It Just Keeps Gettin' Better and
By Maria & Michelle ---------- Updated Whenever We Feel Like It! ^ ^
5/5/09- Thanks for reading!
Yes, that means what you think it means. ^ ^;; See the strip
Also, new (read: old, but unposted until now) fanart on the Fanart Page.
Maria and Michelle
P.S. For those of you who still link to us, our URL has changed
back to Also, the URL in the strip below
should likewise be (<-- NSFW!)
Hopefully this number isn't depressingly high...
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Shonen-Ai Kudasai! is hosted on ComicGenesis, the bestest free webhosting and site automation
service for webcomics out there! ^ ^
All 'Shonen-Ai Kudasai!' images and whatnot © Maria and
Michelle. Please don't take our stuff without asking first. We'll
cry. Seriously. We will. Right here. And you don't want that.
It'll be a big mess, and you'll have to explain that you didn't
actually mean it, and people will think you're a jerk... It's
more trouble than it's worth, really.
Shounen-ai is yummy.